Since 1999

The Rietta Blog

Since 2005, this publication covers a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity, software development, and cloud migration. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about these areas.


Best Data Type to store Money in MySQL?

When handling currency in MySQL, use DECIMAL(13,2) for general use and DECIMAL(13,4) if GAAP Compliance is needed.

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Account Protection Policies to Cover Business Assets

Utilizing two factor authentication, strong passphrases, password managers, and NIST standards; private company accounts can remain secure. Cover your assets!

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Writing Abuser Stories

When writing user stories, user stories are written; but what about malicious actors? Writing Abuser Stories pushes developers to care about security.

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Manually Editing Git Hunks: The Easy Way

Git add --patch can help keep code changes relevant with their commits. When changes are unsplittable, we can use Manual-Hunk to split changes line by line.

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How to hide .gitignored Files from fzf.vim

Keep those nasty .gitignored files like node_modules/ from clogging up fzf fuzzy finder and show commited, hidden files such as .circleci/config.

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Herding Cats: The Todo List

Finding a tool to tame the chaos when you're new to an Agency setting and responsible for organizing "all the things".

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How To Use Slack To Maintain A Team Reading List

Having a clean and focused reading channel in Slack allows us a sanctioned place for in-depth discussion and news sharing.

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Restrict Who Can Push to Matching Branches on Github

On GitHub, you can enable branch restrictions allowing only certain users, teams, or apps to be able to push to a protected branch.

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Fixup your Code Reviews with git rebase --autosquash

Git rebase flows result in clean history. Squashing code review fixups into the PR make it hard to see what changed. Rietta devs use --autosquash instead.

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Why do teams use points to Estimate? - Interview with Lore Hamilton

Grab a coffee and listen in while the Rietta team explores why using point estimation can help round out your team's planning process in development.

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