Since 1999

The Rietta Blog

Since 2005, this publication covers a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity, software development, and cloud migration. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about these areas.


Streamlining Workflows With Docker

Working on numerous projects can require significant time to set up locally. With Docker, we have streamlined this process to mere minutes.

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Practical APPSEC starts with people first, processes second, and technology last

Technology purchases cannot solve application security. Improving security is a matter of people, processes, and technology. Here's how to invest developer education and processes first.

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Brad Cox has died

Dr. Brad J. Cox Ph.D., influential computer scientist, co-inventor of the Objective C object oriented programming language, influencer of modern programming based on reusability of software components, has died.

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Disable Low Quality Webcam Microphone in Ubuntu Linux 20.04

How to ensure your high quality microphone is always used and not the low quality USB webcam audio when joining Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other video calls. Block list the webcam sound with udev and use it only for video, not audio.

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How to Set Up and Encrypt an External SSD and Run Docker Images Externally

Running multiple Docker images locally can eat up a lot of disk space. Computers with smaller hard drives will have a problem keeping up. We can mitigate this issue by setting up an encrypted external ssd to run our Docker images and free up local disk space

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Leading a Distributed Team with Productive

As a distributed agency, we have to make sure everyone is working on budgeted client priorities across more applications than we have people. Traditional time tracking tooling doesn't cut it. We've found to be the best so far.

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Financial Plan for a New Computer Under Warranty

As a computing professional, top end computers are a necessity for your livelihood. Here's how setting aside just $69/month will ensure you can buy a new computer at any time and have the funds for guilt free technology splurges.

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Development time is money, therefore I RAID

Why I optimize for redundancy via RAID and multiple computers as a developer for whom development time is money instead of relying on a single high end laptop.

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Learning Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby vs C/C++

Learning object-oriented programming is a fundamental piece of computer science education. But is C/C++ the best environment to do it in?

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Remote Team Culture - Code Review and Style Guides

Code review and style guides are valuable when delivering clean and reliable code which is a team effort, especially in distributed teams.

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