Since 1999

The Rietta Blog

Since 2005, this publication covers a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity, software development, and cloud migration. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about these areas.


Xfinity is Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacking my Internet

Did you know that Xfinity regularly launches security attacks against it's own customers?

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Patch Production Faster with Security-oriented Agile Development Practices

Companies take too long to patch production leaving plenty of time for threats to attack! Here's how to fix it with security-oriented Agile practices.

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MySQL Decimal Data Type

The MySQL decimal (A.K.A. numeric) data type can be used to store the exact numerical value with a fixed point decimal. The Syntax of MySQL's decimal is "DECIMAL(precision, scale)".

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What is Web Accessibility?

It's important to answer the demand for accessible websites to proactively avoid legal implications after the Supreme Court declined to hear the Domino's Pizza appeal in an ADA case.

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Acknowledge Open-Source Contributors with Git Authorship

Even though Git has been the dominant VCS for over a decade, some popular open-source projects don't properly accredit contributors. Open-source projects have a ethical obligation to properly portray the work that was done to the project.

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The Clean-up Refactor Deleting ".arel_tables"

Composing queries with ActiveRecord and .arel_tables[] to select individual columns results in long lines. By delegating `arel_tables[] to .[], queries have a more readable interface without losing context. Delete .arel_tables from all usages; gain sanity dealing with complex queries.

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Why do Rietta Developers Git Fork?

Forking open source repositories is a standard way of contributing to open source projects. At Rietta, a small agency, all developers fork internal repositories when working on client projects.

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Ruby Gems Supply Chain Vulnerability

Learn 5 practical steps to protect yourself from malicious backdoors in Ruby Gems.

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The Case for 2FA, Post Rest-client Gem CVE

On 08/19/2019, a CVE was discovered on a popular Ruby gem called Rest-client. Although caught quickly, this could raise the case of 2FA being a requirement for Package Manager accounts like Rubygems and NPM.

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What's the Difference Between the 3 Github Merge Methods?

Github's interface makes merging in commits versatile to suit your style of maintaining a clean Git history. The three different styles are Create Commit, Squash, and Rebase.

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